Community InvestmentMay 26, 2021by Kendra Lawrysyn0Giving Back to The Community that Gave to Us

Our team at Mosaic Home Services is passionate about giving back to the community that has supported us in our growth to become Canada’s Largest Home Improvement Franchise Network! This is why at the beginning of 2021, our mentorship team sat down to go over the additional ways that our home service brands could help our community. 

Though we have done many giveaways, donations, and provided countless silent auction items throughout the years, we have recognized that 2020 brought many hardships to the nonprofit sector. Unable to host their typical fundraisers and events due to COVID-19 restrictions, these incredible organizations are struggling to raise the needed funds and supplies required to complete the work that they provide our city.

With this in mind, our mentorship and marketing team at Mosaic decided that it was time to set down a monthly plan in order to consistently give back to multiple organizations throughout the year. After many brainstorming sessions, the idea of Mosaic’s Charity of the Month program was brought to light.

Starting in February 2021, 5% of sales made on the last Thursday of each month would be donated to a local charity in the Edmonton area chosen by our team. This was an incredible opportunity for our teams to join together and put forward a charity that means something to them. Each month a charity from our team’s suggestions is pulled and we work together to raise thousands of dollars each month.

In February our team at Mosaic had the privilege of working with the Kids with Cancer Society in Edmonton, followed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation in March, and Basically Babies in April. Curious what May’s Charity of the Month will be? Check out our updates on our social media pages or Community investments page!

Want to get involved? Support our local home services brands on the last Thursday of each month to have 5% of your sale go to a great cause, or reach out to our team at 780-910-6688 for more information. 

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