Written Wisdom

A collection of pieces from the members of our Mosaic team.

Home Services Franchise Opportunities

2 pairs of feet in sneakers

Mentorship Blog Announcement

Living room with couches, coffee table and stairs with railing

Spring Cleaning Checklist

September 2022 Charity of the Month: E4C’s School Nutrition Program

Happy almost October, everyone! September just flew by here at the Mosaic office. After a busy, exciting summer season, we saw a continuation of the energy into this month.  Many of our seasonal summer teams are out and about finishing up fencing, window and gutter cleaning, screens, demolition, exterior painting, and more for our clients...

What is a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy & Why is it Important to Have One?

In the simplest of terms, a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) is a formal way in which businesses aim to contribute to community goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically oriented practices. The competition in business can be fierce, and it can be challenging for a business...